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NAF NAF x Trace For Good

Marie Petitalot
Marie Petitalot
Market intelligence analyst
Naf Naf
Published on
April 26, 2023

NAF NAF has been a Trace For Good customer since early 2023.

Here we explain how the brand integrated traceability into its IT systems, automated AGEC compliance, and achieved a 75% response rate in 2 months.

NAF NAF project managers:
Thibault Delhonte - CSR & Quality Leader, Florian Desvignes - CSR & Quality Project Manager
Marie Poladyan - CSR & Quality Coordinator, Hassina Seba - IT project manager

A bold, iconic brand

NAF NAF was founded in 1973 in Paris by the Pariente brothers, inspired by the name of one of the characters in the Disney adaptation of The Three Little Pigs. A quirky choice of name, revealing a bold and iconic brand identity.

50 years later, in 2023, NAF NAF keeps expanding in France. Upmarket and international expansion (Benelux, Spain, Italy) are also on the agenda for the brand.


NAF NAF chose to automate their traceability process in order to industrialize it and make it more reliable for all its collections. Given the new French and European regulations, and the strategic challenge of CSR transformation, owning their data and collaborating more effectively with their suppliers was a priority for the brand.

They therefore sought a tool that would enable them to internalize the subject, while integrating with their existing information systems.


For their two priority needs - to automate compliance with the AGEC law, and to simplify the collection and verification of certificates - NAF NAF was able to benefit from Trace For Good's expertise in terms of software integration and data governance, and to implement new internal practices such as the systematic retrieval of detailed product composition.


The Trace For Good traceability tool has been integrated into NAF NAF's information systems to automate data flows: PLM as input and PIM as output. This enables NAF NAF to retrieve and process all the data required to comply with the AGEC law, without the CSR & Quality team having to enter any additional data.

In just 2 months, we achieved a 75% response rate to traceability requests.

One of the keys to success is supplier onboarding, and NAF NAF has been able to count on Trace For Good's support in adapting to the brand's supplier relationship management.

NAF NAF's AGEC law compliance data is available on our AGEC law search engine (accessible at this link). As required by law, information must be made available to consumers for 2 years after the last unit has been marketed.

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Client testimonial :

Naf Naf